Mind Your Business: Strategies For Entrepreneurs

September 18, 2024  | 

You Have The Best Brain To Be An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are some of the best brains for generating ideas. They have the heart and determination to bring their gifts into the world to serve the people they deeply care about. Nothing excites them more than building a business they are proud of around something they are passionate about.

These same kind-hearted humans often feel challenged to take their really BIG ideas and break them down into smaller, actionable tasks that will allow them to execute them.

(You are not alone!)

Celebrate Your Strengths

Before we begin, I’d like to take a moment to celebrate your ability to be the magical idea generator you are. It’s not a skill that every human has, and with 8.1 billion people in the world, we need brains like yours to bring new, innovative ideas to others. Your gift changes the world!

Common Challenges

Entrepreneurs are challenged by the working opportunities presented to us in our society. We cringe at the idea of working for someone else and being told what to do and how to do it. We’d rather be the creative mind behind it all! And so, with little to no business experience, we start our own.

I’ve witnessed two potential scenarios in starting a business in the swirl of idea generation:

  1. Your creative genius attracts customers and generates revenue quickly, but it needs the right systems of execution, which can lead to overwhelm.
  2. Your creative genius has brought you to something that the market may need more trust to consider buying. You’ve hung the shingle out with all the “things” in place…logo, website, payment platforms, social media, attending networking events, and more! Yet you wake up each day to an empty email box, no DMs, and, most importantly, no revenue.

Both scenarios rely on taking a step back and considering strategy and execution, which requires accessing parts of our brain that may not come naturally. It can feel uncomfortable to realize we don’t have everything we need to operate a business. This can feel especially difficult for minds of all kinds, AKA neurodivergent brains. These brains reach a point where we have to do things they don’t enjoy and find they may need to reach for support.

(Awareness is the secret sauce.)

Entrepreneurs can enhance their business effectiveness and creativity by understanding, leveraging, and harnessing how their brains work. It all begins with taking care of it.

Strategies For Success

Mindfulness & Stress Management

When our brains are under stress (“fight or flight”), we reduce access to the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the brain. The PFC area is where our executive functions (EF) live. EF is where we gain the ability to take an idea and break it down into smaller, actionable tasks. When we are stressed looking at a task on our to-do list that is too large or lacks definition, we feel challenged to do anything and likely avoid it. Managing the stress response with mindfulness techniques will begin to create new neuropathways in your brain that will begin to reprogram the Default Mode Network. Try an app for a daily meditation practice.

Time Management & Prioritization

Is the task on your to-do list the highest best use of your time, energy, and attention? Your gifts lie in idea generation, yet you’re forcing yourself to sit and pay each and every bill individually. These small mundane tasks take up cognitive load on your brain and keep you from doing the work you love and, more importantly, in business, generating the money you need to fund the mission of what you’re bringing to the world! In this case, it may be time to find a tool to support this mundane task. Outsource by signing up for bill pay, paying a bookkeeper, or an accounts payable specialist. There are thousands of time management tools out there to support you. The key is finding what works for your brain. Be sure to give a new process enough time to be beneficial before ditching it. Stick with what works for you.

Continuous Learning & Mental Stimulation

As idea generators, we are deeply curious humans. We love to learn, and the world is a fascinating place! We want to understand all.of. the.things! When we spark curiosity, dopamine is released (this is the feel-good chemical!), which keeps us motivated to continue our curiosity! The more you follow, the more dopamine your brain releases, and it feels so good that you never want to stop. WAIT, WHERE HAVE THE LAST 6 HOURS GONE!? And, uh-oh, I was supposed to be placing the order for the product I promised my client…yesterday. The brain will shift to shame and blame and negative self-talk, which is the least productive use of our time, energy, or attention. Using timers keeps you on track of work that needs to be done.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

What we put into our bodies, how often we water ourselves, regular movement, and screen-free time all matter to our brains. Be kind to your mind and remember to take sips of water, hold space on your calendar to move your body between appointments, and use timers or reminders to look away from the screen at regular intervals. Consider a wind-down bedtime routine for a restful night’s sleep. At a minimum, we need water and sleep for our brain synapses to fire properly!

Ask for Support

Humans are social animals, and our brains require connection with others. There are levels of support from online accountability groups, co-working opportunities, and business consultant support. Whatever level you are at in your business, your brain will benefit from the support of others. The more your business grows, the more support you will need! Whatever challenges you’re facing, there is someone who has come before you and reached for support to navigate a way to a solution, and you will, too. Ask for help!

Implementing these strategies can help entrepreneurs harness their brain’s full potential, leading to more effective and innovative business practices. By understanding and working with the unique strengths of your unique brain, you can create a thriving business that not only fulfills your passions but also serves your clients effectively.

(That’s where the revenue will start to come from!)

Remember, your ability to generate ideas is a rare and valuable gift. Celebrate your creativity, and don’t hesitate to seek out tools and support that align with how your brain works best. Managing stress, optimizing time, staying curious, living healthily, and connecting with others are all key components to a successful and fulfilling business journey.
Incorporate these practices, and watch as your business grows and flourishes in a way that feels natural and sustainable for you. You’ll begin to see a business you are proud of. Your brain is a powerful asset – embrace it, nurture it, and let it guide you to entrepreneurial success!

This is a contributed blog post by Jamie Chapman, Founder of Chickbook Creative. Jamie has gained years of career experience in systems, processes, accountability, leadership, and project management. She brings a multi-faceted approach to problem-solving and extensive knowledge of executive functioning, habit formation, and the neurodiverse and ADHD entrepreneur’s mind.

Jamie sees and understands the ADHD entrepreneur brain at work, and she’s passionate about supporting neurodivergent business owners in a way that lets them shine their light and bring their gifts to the world for all to see (and pay them for!).

Interested in submitting a contributed piece? Fill out our contact form.

Would you like to learn more about your Brain and your business? Sign up for the Weekly MindSweep email newsletter at www.chicbookcreative.com.

Ready for support for your business? Schedule a consultation with Jamie Chapman at www.chickbookcreative.com.

Looking for like-hearted entrepreneurs in a community? Join the Chickbook Creative Community. Learn more: https://chickbookcreative.com/facebook-group

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