Advice from the Experts: Maximizing Your Email Marketing Strategy

July 22, 2024  | 

This blog post contains the transcription of a free virtual Lunch & Learn we hosted in July 2024 titled, “Maximizing Your Email Marketing Strategy.” You can view all of our upcoming webinars here.

Top Email Marketing Tips

Who are the Top Experts to Know?

Bethany Fiocchi Root has specialized in digital marketing for 16+ years and has been simplifying email marketing for companies for 9+ years. From start-ups to big brands, her philosophy is always the same: launch iteratively and optimize the crap out of things to get the best results. She now enthusiastically helps online businesses get started and make email marketing feel easy.

Stacy Braga is a sales copywriter and educator for coaches who want to scale and launch with ease. She blends her expertise in education and marketing to the online space so you can get more conversions, more clients, and more confidence. When she’s not working, she loves reading, snuggling with her cat, and crafting.

Dominique Goyette-Connerty is the owner of Evergreen Marketing, through which she provides sustainable marketing solutions and sturdy digital strategies designed to bring long-term growth to fellow small businesses. Dominique has five years of email marketing experience, working on campaigns for businesses across a wide variety of industries, from restaurants to realtors, landscapers to life coaches, waste companies to nonprofit organizations, and more.

How Can You Maximize Your Email Marketing Strategy?

Getting Started with Email Marketing

The first step is simple: just send an email. Overthinking often leads to inaction. If you don’t have a list, start by generating one. Consider your goals and choose an appropriate tool. Many options are available, from free tools like ConvertKit to more advanced options like Kajabi.

Growing Your Email List

Offer something valuable for free to entice people to join your list. Collaborate with other business owners for mutual promotion. Events are also great for list growth. Collect emails at conferences, markets, or online events.

Content and Frequency

When planning content, align it with your goals. Sales promotions, value-based content, newsletters, and announcements all have their place. Frequency depends on your audience and goals. A general rule of thumb is to email at least once a month but no more than three times a week.

Handling Unsubscribes

Don’t fear unsubscribes. They help filter your list, leaving you with an engaged audience. If someone unsubscribes, they weren’t likely to become a client anyway.

Key Analytics

Pay attention to open rates, click-through rates, and, most importantly, conversion rates. Deliverability is also crucial—ensure your emails reach inboxes.

Automations and Segmentation

Automation saves time. Use nurture sequences to welcome and engage new subscribers. Segment your list to tailor content to specific audiences, increasing relevance and engagement.

Favorite Email Marketing Tools

Our experts recommend various tools:

Dominique: Constant Contact and MailChimp.

Bethany: MailerLite and ConvertKit.

Stacy: Flowdesk and ConvertKit.

Final Tips

Dominique: Your email list is an asset you own. Unlike social media, it’s yours to keep and use.

Stacey: Just send the email. Don’t overthink it.

Bethany: Batch your email creation to save time and maintain consistency.

Ashley: Regularly clean and re-engage your list. Archive inactive contacts to maintain healthy analytics and avoid unnecessary costs.

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