Chamber Camaraderie: Jessica Ponyrko of Marshfield Chamber of Commerce

June 12, 2023  | 

Thank you for following along with our monthly Chamber Camaraderie series, which highlights outstanding and hardworking team members from Chambers of Commerce throughout Massachusetts.

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Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do at your Chamber of Commerce?

My name is Jessica Ponyrko and I am the Vice President of the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce. My role is to serve on the Executive Committee and help drive the organization’s goals and objectives, serve as an ambassador for the Chamber in the community, and build relationships with business owners, residents and employees of the town.

I also serve as the chair for our Women in Business group, which aims to bring together female entrepreneurs and professionals in the Marshfield and South Shore communities to develop authentic relationships and grow together.

What made you want to support the Chamber of Commerce?

Chambers of commerce are such a resource for communities. Not just for business owners, but also for everyone who visits or lives or shops in those regions. They provide support and a sense of community to business owners.

Marshfield Chamber has made such a fundamental difference in my own business, that I really felt motivated to get involved. I started my business in January 2020, right before Covid. I was still new to the area and was starting something entirely on my own right when the world shut down. The Chamber offered me so much support and opportunities to meet people virtually that instead of struggling through those difficult times, my business was able to thrive. It’s this support for myself and other small businesses that really made me want to give back and get more involved.

What do you love the most about the area where you live in Massachusetts?

The South Shore (and Marshfield especially) is such an amazing place to live, work and play. I, of course, love our beaches and access to so many awesome outdoor activities. But I also love that our town is a real community, where people care about what’s going on and want to help make things great for everyone. As a small business owner, it’s so great to live in a town where people want to get to know me and want to see me succeed.

Why do you think it’s important for everyone to be a member of a Chamber of Commerce?

Because they’re amazing, duh! In all seriousness, every business owner needs to be a part of a chamber. Owning a business is hard, and having the support of an entire community of other local businesses who want to help pump you up, help you learn, help you grow – it’s priceless. They offer so many opportunities to network, learn new skills, create new collaborations, and expand your reach. And most of them are able to do all of that for a VERY reasonable fee.

Of course, like most things, you get out of it what you put into it. So it’s important to recognize that in order to get the most of your Chamber membership, you need to take advantage of everything they’re offering and engage. Go to the events. Sign up for the free classes. Volunteer from time to time. And without a doubt, you will start to see a positive impact in your business.

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned throughout your career?

Everyone has a story. As a marketer, listening is really about 75% of my job. But this is also true for Chambers of Commerce. Every business owner has a story, a dream that drove them to start their business. Taking the time to listen to these stories and get to know the people behind the websites and social media profiles can truly bring about lasting and authentic connections.

If you weren’t in your current position, what would your next dream job be?

Running a doggy daycare and being surrounded by puppies all day! Or maybe working as a florist. I just love dogs and flowers!

When you’re not working, what activities do you enjoy?

Trips to the beach, trying new local restaurants, and reading at home on the couch!

What else should people know?

Our staff at Marshfield Chamber of Commerce make all the difference for our members. They’re so passionate about helping local small businesses that it’s amazing to be a part of. Both our Executive Director and our Executive Assistant know every single member by name, their stories, their goals, and they are constantly finding ways to add value to our community. I personally am so grateful for all they do and know our members are as well!

Thank you for sharing more about yourself! Tell us how we can get in touch with your Chamber of Commerce or find it online.

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