Chamber Camaraderie: Nina Garcia of Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce

July 8, 2024  | 

Thank you for following along with our monthly Chamber Camaraderie series, which highlights outstanding and hardworking team members from Chambers of Commerce throughout Massachusetts.

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Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do at your Chamber of Commerce?

Nina Garcia here! Plymouth Area Chamber of Commerce Director of Membership, photographer, Zumba instructor, mom of three, and overall mover and shaker and wearer of many hats.

What made you want to work for the Chamber of Commerce?

I began as a member – after attending a few events, seeing the benefits myself as a Marketing professional and getting to know our Chamber Community I knew I wanted to get more involved. From our amazing events to our enrichment workshops and everything in between, we find great ways to connect people and businesses within our great community. We’re active, vibrant, we work hard to play hard – We truly are “Not Your Average Chamber”!
I became an Ambassador for them soon after and was awarded Ambassador of the Year for 2022, then earlier this year I was made a Board Member for possibly the shortest tenure in history as just one month after, this position opened up and I was offered to join the team. Although I was very happy in my prior role, I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity to work with this great team and Organization.

What do you love the most about the area where you live in Massachusetts?

Here’s something funny – I was raised on St. Thomas, in the Virgin Islands. SO often I get the line “Woah! You’re from the Caribbean? WHAT are you doing HERE?!” … to which I always gesture around me confused as if to say “… have you looked around our home lately?!” I mean what’s not to love? It’s a beautiful area, teeming with activity and life, and has something for everyone. Of course I love and appreciate my tropical hometown (and am grateful to still have family there and a permanent place to stay), but I’m so thankful to live in such a gorgeous corner of New England.

Why do you think it’s important for everyone to be a member of a Chamber of Commerce?

Supporting local is more than just a fashionable idea, it’s vital to elevate locally run small businesses and get people enthusiastically involved to keep our area’s cultural fabric thriving. It’s all about Connection. Whether you’re a business looking for a boost, or your business is already booming, we’re a bridge to getting the most out of our community. I like to (very) informally refer to us as “Your Business’ Wingman”. (lol)

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned throughout your career?

It’s actually been a life lesson and can be summed up shortly. “Replace judgment with curiosity.” Regardless of whatever might divide us, we’re all doing our best for the people we hold dearest.

If you weren’t in your current position, what would your next dream job be?

This pretty much is my dream job! But I’d probably own my own artisan shop / wellness center.

When you’re not working, what activities do you enjoy?

Dance/Zumba, yoga, art, Cooking, hiking, urban exploring, traveling (usually someplace offbeat and quirky – Hipcamp is one of my favorite go to apps), live music, volunteering, hanging with my family by our fire pit.

Thank you for sharing more about yourself! Tell us how we can get in touch with your Chamber of Commerce or find it online.

You can head to our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


  • Nina is such an asset to our Chamber and to the communities they serve! She radiates positivity and inclusivity at any event or opportunity that comes her way. She truly does live by replacing judgement with curiosity. We love Nina!


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