Boss in the Bay State: Maria Bartolomeu

May 6, 2024  | 

Thank you for following along with our Boss in the Bay State series, a monthly blog post that highlights remarkable professionals throughout Massachusetts.

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Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Maria Bartolomeu and I own Maria Skincare. I have been doing Skincare for over 27 years.

What made you want to start your own business?

I wanted to do Skincare for all demographics, not just the affluent. I provide Skincare one face at a time.

What do you love the most about owning a business in Massachusetts?

I love creating treatments that are individualized and not cookie cutter!

What are your favorite small businesses to support in Massachusetts?

Any woman owned business is one I’ll support.

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned throughout your career?

Perseverance is one of the best qualities you can have.

If you weren’t in your current position, what would your next dream job be?

I would love to own a flower shop!

When you’re not working, what activities do you enjoy?

I enjoy reading, socializing with friends, spending time with family, walking, and learning new techniques.

Thank you for sharing more about yourself! Tell us how we can get in touch with you or find you online.

You can learn more about me via my website.

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