Chamber Camaraderie: Elizabeth LaBrecque of Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce

July 10, 2023  | 

Thank you for following along with our monthly Chamber Camaraderie series, which highlights outstanding and hardworking team members from Chambers of Commerce throughout Massachusetts.

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Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do at your Chamber of Commerce?

I’m the Membership Coordinator of the Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce. I work with businesses in the community to educate them on chamber benefits. Growing membership is my main responsibility.

What made you want to work for the Chamber of Commerce?

Throughout my career I have been a member of TACC. I am also a lifelong resident of the Taunton community. So, when I saw the opportunity was available I jumped at the chance! Helping to grow and develop the area I live in is such a joy and a responsibility I don’t take lightly.

What do you love the most about the area where you live in Massachusetts?

Southeastern, MA has so much to offer! It’s rich in history, offers diversity, and there is longevity in its residents. Its location allows for quick access to many amazing locations. Whether you love the beach or are a city goer, nothing is too far out of reach!

Why do you think it’s important for everyone to be a member of a Chamber of Commerce?

Joining your local Chamber of Commerce is important for many reasons but I feel there are two reasons that sit at the top. First- when you join the chamber you are joining a community, the relationships that organically form between members are invaluable. I have witnessed every new business be welcomed with open arms. Our members root for one another, they want everyone to succeed! Second- is professional growth. Any and all opportunities to learn are opportunities worth taking advantage of. By utilizing the connections you make and the lessons you learn with your membership, your business is bound for success!

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned throughout your career?

Never burn a bridge! My sales and marketing career has spanned over 14 years. In that time, I have worked in hospitality, healthcare and now for the chamber. My path is constantly crossing with people from my past. To this day I do business with people I met when my career first began.

If you weren’t in your current position, what would your next dream job be?

Any position where I can meet new people, help make change for the better while having a balanced work and home life sounds like a dream.

When you’re not working, what activities do you enjoy?

Being a mom, spending time with my husband, consuming iced coffee, and traveling!

Thank you for sharing more about yourself! Tell us how we can get in touch with your Chamber of Commerce or find it online.

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